I don't, know about any of you but I have control issues. I create a narrative in my mind on how a situation should pan out, or how other people should behave.
Thes expectations steal my joy and fill me with resentment.
I have heard it said that unrealistic expectations are a prerequisite to a resentment. how quickly I forget that my expectations for any person place or thing are unrealistic.
It's all unmanageable and I am completely powerless. The only power I have is how I act, and I react to things.
My expectation on anything outside of myself is a premature resentment, and my feeble attempt to regain control of a situation.
Ultimately it does the opposite and takes more power away.
So, what can I do? rather than living fantasy in reverse. I have to find acceptance, when a person or a situation bring unwanted feelings, I choose freedom. I can accept my powerlessness and turn it over.
This process I don't do perfectly every time. I know my spiritual soundness depends on how often and how quickly I surrender.
You don't have to be religious to have heard the serenity prayer. being in recovery this prayer is pretty prevalent in my life. this prayer can be broken down and work as a solution to my ultimate problem ME.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (you) The courage to change the things I can (me) and the wisdom to know the difference (acceptance)
Resentment anger and fear cannot cohabitate with acceptance surrender and faith.
Change your thoughts change your life!