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Thinning hair

Writer's picture: Sarah KohlSarah Kohl

Updated: Jan 16

They say on average your hair will change 7 times in your lifetime. Unfortunately I have reached a point in my life that all aspects of my hair has changed, the texture, color , and density.

Understanding these changes can take some of the worry away. Hair growth goes in phases, growth, regression, resting, and shedding. Things that effects these phases are genetics, age, medical conditions, hormones, nutrition, sleep, and medications.

I get a lot of guests in my chair concerned with the hair clogging their drain or filling their brush. On average natural fall out is 80-100 strands of hair a day. If you are shampooing 1-3 times a week and not brushing daily the shredded hair can accumulate and be shocking.

So many of my clients complain that they have much less hair then they did in the past. I assure them this is no reason to worry, as we age our hair spends less time in growing phase and more time in resting phase.

Thinning hair can be bothersome but there are solutions many of which cost nothing. messaging and stimulating the scalp can create a great foundation for hair growth.

Getting good sleep and having proper nutrition is monumental, not only does it reduce inflammation it can help balance hormone levels.

There are a few un-manageables when it comes to hair loss, genetics, age medications, and medical conditions. these things keep out hair cycling through regression, resting and shed, with little to no time in growth phase.

When thing hair gets to a point of a recession in the hair line or seeing the scalp through the density of the hair, unfortunately reliable solutions cost money. There are many professional products that are selling dream. I have tried a majority of them. The only products that are scientifically proven to improve hair growth has minoxidil as one of the main ingredients.

There are a lot of products available, the most affordable and easy to find is Rogain. There are some down falls to this product. It should only be applied to the scalp, because it can dry out the hair. Also be aware if you do highlights let you stylist know you been using Rogain, it will cause the hair to lift to a neon yellow during the enlightening process. Rogain can work great while you use it , however hair will return to its previous state if you discontinue use.

I hope any of this is helpful. if your struggling with thinning hair, know that you are not alone.


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